Triton Sailing List
All those surnames that are blue have an e-mail link. Click on the surname
if you wish to contact that person by e-mail.
Surname | First Name | Rank | Dates Served on Board | Address |
Henry | YNC(SS) YN1(SS) | March 1966 -May 1969 | 3896 Sweet Magnolia Drive,Gainsville, GA 30504-5945 Ph: 7064977982 |
Jennerwein | John 'Tim' | ENC (SS) | November 1962 - November 1963 | 7 Ravenwood Rd, North Stonington,CT 06359 ph: 860 535 1402 |
Jones | Wilmont | TM2 (SS) | 1959 - 1962 | 185 Cedardale Lane, Columbus, NC 28722 ph: 828 894 3409 |
Keiper | Bernard | EM2 (SS) | March 1960 - May 1962 | 934 Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 19053. |
Kelly | Dennis | YN3 (SS) | February 1961-February 1963 | 2350 Bankston Circle. Snellville, GA 30078-5723 ph: 770 979 5257 |
Kelly | James | Operations Officer (SS) |
January 1961 - July 1962 | 1413 E Franzen Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ph: 714 547 3828 |
Kelly | Les | Chief Engineer (commissioning ) Captain |
1959- | |
Kennedy | Ralph | ENCS (SS) | February 1959-June 1962 | 89 Laurelwood Road Groton, CT 06340-4212 ph: 860 445 6567 |
Kessler | Ed | RM2 (SS) | June 1967 - August 1968 | |
King | Dave | MM2 | July 1968 - decommissioning | |
Kraus | Philip | STS3 (SS) | 1963-1965 | P.O. Box 3733 Wilmington, NC 28406 ph: 910 799 3555 |
Kucko | David | QM2 (SS) | November 1962-July 1966 | 193 Dorothy St. Endicott, N.Y. 13760 |
Kuester | John | CS2 (SS) STCS (SS) | February 1959-March 1961 | 104 Abby Wood Ct. Los Gatos, CA 95032 |
Kuhn Jr. | Raymond | MMCM (SS) | April 1959 - July 1960 | 3341 W. Beacon Ave. Spokane, WA 99208 ph: 509327-6610 |
Leineke | Dick | MM2 (ELT) | July 1966 - July 1968 | 143 Lords Way Andrews NC 28901 Ph: 8283215947 |
Leonard | Charles | Torpedoman | December 1966-February 1969 | 4500 Sports Drive Pace, Florida 32571 |
Long | John | STS2 (SS) | December 1965- July 1967 | |
Longbons | Doug | MM2 (SS) | October 1966 - April 1969 | 108 Regent Street Blandon, Pennsylvania 19510 |
Lorenzen | Norm | CTM3 (SU) CTM2 (SS) | 1965 - Decommissioning | |
Loveland | Lynn | MMC (SS) | November 1959 - July 1960 | 58 Green Brier Road Norwich, CT 06360 |
Marenbach | Harry | EN2(SS)-MMCS(SS) | June 1958 - September 1962 |
3760 Seabeck Holly Rd. NW Seabeck, WA 98380-9259 |
McCall | Peggy (Keith) | ENCM (SS) | 1963 - 1967 | 11 Fieldstone Dve Bedford, NH 03110 6033612624 |
McCoy | Mike | MM1 (SS) | June 1964-February 1969 | 5250 Miles Avenue Oakland, CA 94618 |
Meeker | Charles | Captain | decommissioning, May 3rd, 1969 | 922 Hill Rise CT NE Bremerton, WA 98311-9209 |
Moorehouse | Larry | EM1 | February 1959 - | 1615 Heather Ridge Drive, Glendale CA, 91207 |
Moravsik | Richard | EM1 (SS) | October 1964 - September 1968 | C/O Saudi Aramco PO. Box 6438 Dhahran 31311 Saudi Arabia |
Moulton | John | EN3 (SS) | January 1960-March 1963 | 43 Blackhall Rd. Unit C2, Epsom, NH 03234 ph: 6037370125 |
Murphy | Dan | FTG2 (SS) | July 1962 - June 1964 | 162 Tri-Mountain Road, Durham, CT 06422 |
Murphy | James | LCDR | January 1968 - May 1969 |
451577 Blackhawk Circle, The Coves, Afton, OK 74331 |
Neustadter | Rudy | IC1(SS) | January 1960 - January 1964 | 1132 Mill Mar Road Lancaster, PA 17601-1623 |
Peace | Charles | ET2 (SS) | Pre-commissioning -16th September 1960 | 1223 Main Street Williamsburg, KY. 40769 |
Perkins | Bob | RMCM (SS) | 1959-1963 | 193 Robin Hood Circle #203 Naples, Florida 34104 Ph: 941 227 5521 |
Peterson | Richard | ICCA (SS) | October 1958 - June 1960 | 1520 Seltzer Court Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-2153 |
Piorkowski | Richard | ET3 (SS) | 1963 - 1966 | 225 Brookfield Rd. Mattydale, NY 13211 |
Plenninger | J. Peter | TM2 (SS) | November 1964 - December 1968 | 7 Laurel Hill Drive. Westerly, RI 02891 |
If you wish to be placed on the Sailing List, please e-mail me.