Eternal Patrol List
This Page Has Been Created to Honor Departed Shipmates
"They shall not grow old, as we that are
left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the
sun and in the morning, we will remember them."
- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of Scotland
Alan L. Acton
Will M.Adams
George G. Andrews
Edward Arsenault
Ronald Wayne Augustine
Duane F. Austin
Robert C. Austin
Charles V. Bacon III
Paul Baird
Ramon D. Baney Sr.
Edward L. Beach
Curtis K. Beacham
Hugh Bennett
Nathan L. Blaede
Charles S. Blair
Richard E. Blizard
John P. Bobba
Leo Boland
Philip E. Bonz
Lewis G. Boyer
Robert U. Boylan
Rollin R. Brandenburg
Paul J. Brill Jr.
Robert Brodie III
Robert O. Broullier
Frank Breusch
Alden Bugbee
Robert Bulmer
Eugene R. Burdon
Dickie Lee Burke
Robert Burkey
James T. Bush
Franklin D. Caldwell
Richard Carlson
Robert Carolus
Stanley Catola
Leslie Chamberlin
William R. Charette MOH
Stanley Chupinski
Victor Church
Kieth L. Cisewski
Gerald Clark
Charles Cleveland
John B. Cleere Jr
Charlie Coan
Ray Comeau
William Constantine
Stanley Cousins
Frank Cross
Joseph Cross
William Cross
William Junior Crow
Mickey Dalton
Jess M. Daniel
Frank R. Darling
Patrick Davis
Julio D. De Los Santos
Roger D. Desilva
David E. Dinnel
Jim Dixon
Martin Docker
James Donaldson
Edward L. Dunphy
Robert Dunkel
Lon Earl
Jackie Miller Eaves
Dale Ellenwood
Charles Emerson
Robert R. Engle Sr.
Joseph H. Ervine
Dale Estep
Robert Fisher
Chester R. Fitzjarrald
Joseph R. Flasco
Michael H. Frasl
Rene "Frosty" Freeze
Loyd Garlock
John Garton
Edgar Getz
Adrian Gladd
Gerald Goerlich
Everett Good
Roy Grayden
Jimmie G. Graves
William L. Green
Phillip Haines
Carl Hall
Roy Hammarstrom
Walter Hanford
George T. Harper Jr
Carlus Harris
Richard Harris
John W. Harrison
Clarence Hathaway
Robert Gail Hill
Dennis Hoey
John Hoffmann
William Holly
Fred D. Howell
Ray Hughes
Stanley P. Irza
Bruce Jeffcoat
John T. Jennerwein
Theodore F. Johnson
Robert Jordan
Jack Judd
Robert Judson
David C. Kelly
Ralph Kennedy
Phillip Brown Kinnie Jr.
Jack J. Kinzer
Richard Knorr
Peter Kollar
Bill Korhummel
Raymond R. Korte
Charles Kosloskey
Larry L. Krieger
Wallace Krupenevich
Max Lambert
George Lang
George Law
Gatewood W Leathers
Leonard F. Lehman
James Lightner
Jack Loebig Sr
John W. Long
Lynn S. Loveland
Charles R. Lytle
Edward J. Maden
Anton Madsen
James A. Mangum
Harry Alfred Marenbach
Harold J. Marley Jr.
William Marshall
Herman "Hank" Marquette
George Mather
Robert Matthews
Charles Martin Meeker
James McAdams
Edward McAteer
Keith McCall
Frank McConnell
Raymond A McDonald
Dean McDowell
George W. McDaniel.
Douglas G. McIntyre Sr.
Ross 'Stu' MacGregor
J. C. Meaders
Charles F. Medrow II
Robert Merkle
Robert J. Miller
Roger Allen Miller
Walter H. Moore
Donald R. Moriarity
George Morin
Robert R. Mortensen
Philip P. Mortimer, Jr.
Ronald Mumford
Calvin E. Neal Jr.
Joseph Negri
William P. Nixon
Harold Nuckels
Raymond O'Brien
Walter H. O'Dell
Harry Olsen
Robert S. Pfeiffer
Russel Pion
Frank Palumbo
Dallas Ronald Pendergraph
Donald E. Pennington
Richard N. Peterson
Robert Petitt
John Poole
Frank T Price Jr
Donald R. Quick
Edwin Rauch
Capt. Robert Rawlins
Kenneth James Remillard
Frank T. Revezzo
Martin Richard
Paul Rizzo
Paul Ruenzel
Richard F. Roberts
Jack Roberts
Joseph Roberts
John Romagano
Max Rose
Joseph Rosenblum
Willard Ross
Fred Rotgers
Richard M. Rowlands
Milton Rubb
Edward J. Schwert
Chetwayn T. Shanholtzser
Edward J. Sheehy
Curtis Shellman
Stan Sieveking
Robert J. Silk
Gordon Simpson
Lawrence Sipos
William J. Spoulos
Peter Springer
James Stark
Ernest Starkey
Richard A. Stettler
John R. Sutton Sr
Joseph Tilenda
James Timberlake
Tom Thamm
George Troffer
Felix G. Tulay
Ralph C. Turner
James Venhaus
Joseph Walsh
Fred Walters
Raymond Walthers
George Warlow
J. W. Waters
Dr. Benjamin Weybrew (Honorary Crew Member)
Henry H Weygant
David J. White
Robert "Bob" Whitehouse
Gordon E. Wilkes
Clyde E Williams
Roy Jack Williams Jr
Willie P. Williams
Audley Wilson
Donald R. Wilson
John W. Wouldridge
James H.Yeager
Francis Yelton
Gordon Yetter
Robert C. Zane
Ernest Olan. Zimmerman
"No man is an island, entire of itself:
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
... it tolls for thee."
- John Donne, 1599
We will try to keep this page as accurate as possible and therefore respectfully ask to be advised of any ommissions or errors that we may have made